The Lima-Allen County Regional Planning Commission (LACRPC) was established in September 1964 and assumed the powers and duties of the Allen County Planning Commission which was created in 1954. The formation of the Regional Planning Commission was accomplished in conformance with Section 713.21 of the Ohio Revised Code and was charged with the responsibilities of comprehensive planning and program implementation within Allen County and its various communities.
Who We Are . . .
The LACRPC is a voluntary association of delegates from different participating jurisdictions, including representatives of state and local governments as well as non-governmental organizations, interested in understanding and addressing the needs of the region. The Commission serves as a forum for discussion as well as sharing ideas and information among communities regarding local and regional issues. The LACRPC serves in an advisory capacity to community decision makers who rely on the data, analyses, and planning recommendations, which are provided by the Commission.
The LACRPC provides a wide array of services to the region and undertakes special studies at the request of member communities. Typically services include:
- Preparing population and housing reports;
- Providing traffic and crash analyses;
- Facilitating the subdivision review process for those unincorporated areas outside of municipal jurisdictions; and
- Providing zoning, land use, soil, and other development related information.
The Commission also provides a host of other community services, including administering the Allen County Floodplain Management Regulations for the unincorporated areas of Allen County as well as the Community Development Block Grant for Allen County. In addition, the LACRPC serves as a repository for, and has a wide array of, historical data and archival maps such traffic flow, zoning, and land use maps as well as aerial photos. Should other services be of local interest, the LACRPC has the capability to provide a wide variety of other services to the general public.
Metropolitan Planning Organization
As the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Lima Urbanized Area, the LACRPC is the agency responsible for developing and maintaining a comprehensive, coordinated, and continuing transportation planning process. This “3C” process has been adopted to ensure that the region’s local transportation network continues to be developed cognizant of various land use patterns, and one in which the safe and efficient movement of goods and people is paramount. The agency’s transportation planning activities are predicated on a predetermined committee structure, which includes the Transportation Coordinating Committee (TCC) and the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC). The TCC primarily includes local elected officials; while, the TAC includes both private and public sector transportation professionals and reports to TCC. Together these two committees review and provide technical assistance as well as make recommendations on transportation and transit-related projects and programs planned for the region.
- Develop an integrated transportation plan for the region;
- Guide informed decision making across a broad cross section of community representatives;
- Review and approve the allocation of millions of dollars for improvements to the infrastructure of roadways and bridges;
- Ensure that local residents have the opportunity to utilize alternative modes of transportation; and
- Review and prioritize expenditures for walkways, bicycle trails, transit, and paratransit operations.
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(419) 228-1836