Health in Allen County

Our Latest Comprehensive Data

Dating back to the 1980’s, there have been several iterations of community health assessments completed in Allen County. Since 2002, the project has been undertaken by a committee of stakeholders in our area. It is intended to help planners, policy makers, and community members understand where the community is now and identify needed improvements.

Allen County Health Atlas

The Allen County Health Atlas was created to review, explore, and compare health-related data over time and across communities throughout Allen County. In addition, the Allen County Health Atlas provides a place for residents to see Allen County’s progress in implementing our county’s Community Health Improvement Plan to improve health equity across our region.

The hope is this data will be used to both better understand health in Allen County and identify opportunities to improve health and well-being. The Allen County Health Atlas is, by design, an evolving tool. Through new partnerships, improved data, and continuous updates to the site, we will be better equipped to understand and improve our county’s health.

Allen County Health Assessment Report

Check out Allen County Health Assessment Report for a wide variety of healthcare and health related stats:

  • Preventative Medicine
  • Oral Health
  • Felony Arrests
  • Preventative Medicine
  • Youth Health

2021 Allen County Health Assessment Report

Allen County Public Health 

In Ohio, each health district is a separate political subdivision, similar to a school district, with an appointed Board of Health.  Each district has a Health Commissioner who reports to the Board of Health.  There are general health districts (county), city health districts, and combined health districts.   Allen County Public Health is a combined health district as outlined in Chapter 3709  Ohio Revised Code, serving the cities of Lima, Delphos, and all of Allen County. 

For more community health statistics, visit our partners at Allen County Public Health and Activate Allen County.